Category: Business

  • Word play: imputer or inputter?

    WHEN WE WRITE down a word based on how it sounds, there is ample opportunity to make a spelling mistake.

    In the past I have seen the confusion of imputer with inputter.

    The verb to impute is to attribute something bad to someone (unjustly), such as a crime. It is also used to mean the incorrect attribution of something to a particular source. The noun ‘imputer’ would therefore refer to the person doing the imputing. However, I cannot find mention of this word in a dictionary – therefore it is either a nonsense or a neologism (take your pick).

    In any case, it’s definitely not a word to be confused with inputter.

    An inputter is a noun, referring to a person or machine responsible for entering data into a computer (from the root verb to input, or the root noun, ie, that which forms the input)

    Input can be data or energy, material, or an amount of something intangible measured through a machine.

    Perhaps there is scope for input data to be so terrible that it could be imputed to a source – I’m thinking of those who pass off poor company results to avert a financial crisis!

  • Marketing for SMEs part two: master the old-school media

    IN MY LAST post, I outlined some of the great free webtools available that small businesses and sole traders can use to help promote their endeavours. For example, social media campaigns are a great way to tap into new markets and share your ideas and expertise with like-minded individuals.But despite the march of the digital, I believe there is still a place for more traditional media and media campaigns – if you know how to get the best out of them.

    And while a traditional campaign may cost you money, these days prices are more competitive than ever before, meaning it will be worth your while to seek out a good deal.

    Let’s start with something really simple: your customer database. Presumably you have a clutch of regular loyal customers who come back time and again, and have willingly given you their email address or mobile phone number. Make use of this database: it is your most precious business resource, and any campaign you run should be devoted to growing it. Your aim is to foster an even deeper loyalty from those clients by providing them with extra reasons to keep coming back. Send them exclusive offers, such as two-for-one deals and discounts, or offer them previews and preferential bookings. In time, this will also generate excellent word of mouth. That’s when you should offer them an ‘introduce a friend’ deal – thus opening the door to membership of what is effectively a little club.

    So, how do you do this via email? This is where excellent persuasive writing skills come into play: you will need to craft a short, snappy note to your customers to invite their interest. Its subject heading will need to be really smart to get them to open the email rather than let it fall into the trash file.

    Great spelling and grammar are vital at this stage. You must impart some of your knowledge and avoid the hard sell – this tactic is very offputting. Explain to your clients why you are writing to them, and – very importantly – give them the option to opt out of future mailing should they wish.

    If you are unsure of how to go about this, why not sign up to a few newsletters put together by some of your favourite brands and see how the big companies do it – you can emulate their style no matter how big or small your operation. There are also lots of tools and tips for writing here (

    One final tip on email: if you’re finding your database a bit unwieldy or want to give the email itself a professional edge, check out a management service such as MailChimp ( to help you make the task easier.

    You could argue that the e-newsletter has replaced the original printed newsletter but there are still times when print is the perfect medium. A short brochure is just the ticket for anyone attending a conference or roadshow – in fact its pretty inconceivable that one would hire any kind of stall without having something to dish out in a goody bag.

    Again it pays to invest heavily in making sure your spelling and grammar are beyond reproach – it can be very easy to let the basics fall by the wayside when you are concentrating on what images and themes to cover in your brochure.

    It is also worthwhile getting a design professional to make up your brochure, especially if you are sending it to a professional print house. They will be able to make sure all your images are of a good enough quality to use (what looks nice on screen is often much poorer in print), and that the pages are not too cluttered to read. If you don’t know any graphic designers you could start your search by asking your print shop if they know anyone.

    Services can also be purchased through bidding websites like People per Hour – though these come with an element of risk in that you are likely to be putting your trust in a total stranger! If this doesn’t worry you, it could be a very rewarding experience. Don’t always be swayed by the person offering the lowest price – if it comes cheap then it’s likely to look so too.

    Leaflets are as important to get right as brochures. Our temptation can be to run off something ourselves on the home computer as this is usually the most cost-effective option available. But if you do this, make sure you ask someone else to objectively assess your efforts. Ask yourself brutally honest questions about how your design looks and if it works. is there too much on the page? Does your key message stand out?

    Think also about how you yourself treat leaflets and flyers – how quickly do you look at them before putting them In a bin? This is exactly what will happen to many of your flyers. With this in mind, think about the best way to maximise the chance of your leaflet becoming a conversion. This may require a targeted drop, such as spending a morning or evening leafleting outside a station or going to an event related to your business.

    Make sure too that your leaflets have a purpose, such as an introductory offer or freebie. No one will want them otherwise.

    Finally, do you live in an area where there are lots of free magazines? Then why not get in touch to find out what their advertising and advertorial rates are. You may be surprised to find that a small advert such as a 1/8 or 1/6 of a page is well within your budget.

    Once you are on the radar of their sales team you are much more likely to be offered exclusive offers in future – such as the chance to be involved in an advertorial (usually more prominent than an ordinary ad) at a knock-down price. There is also the greater liklihood of being included in the regular news pages too.

  • Marketing for small business: part one

    MARKETING YOUR SMALL business doesn’t have to cost the earth. In fact, there’s quite a lot that you can do for free if you have the discipline to sit down in front of your computer or smart device for a few hours a week – or even just a few moments a day – to make your mark on the worldwide web.

    Below you’ll find an introduction to some free online resources you might want to tap into – part two will be coming up in the near future with more free resources to explore.

    If you haven’t heard by now, Twitter is the microblogging platform that allows you to relay messages to your followers in just 140 characters. Many dismiss Twitter and say ‘who would want to know about what I think’ – but you’d be surprised. As well as following and engaging with your favourite public figures and friends, it can be an incredibly powerful tool for the small business – follow entrepreneurs whose work you admire and comment on it. If you ‘tweet’ offers and tips relating to your unique selling points (often referred to as USPs), you will soon win a significant following. And the more you engage, the quicker you will pick up followers. Post regular links to your updated web pages or blog posts, and you’ll soon be proving your credentials as a subject matter expert. The Twittersphere can be a great place to network with like-minded professionals – and even spy on your rivals! Dismiss it at your peril – I have acquired new clients by using Twitter and so could you. Just remember to keep your tweets clean and decent. By all means engage in debate but always ask yourself, ‘does what I’m about to say reflect well on my business?’

    The death of the 10-year-old platform Facebook is often predicted, but with 1.23 billion global monthly users there really is no danger of it going away any time soon. Have a long, hard think about that figure – from a base of more than a billion, there has to be a small number of potential clients lurking on it for you. Most people use Facebook socially to connect with friends and family – and part of that involves them sharing their likes. If you create a business page and post regular exclusive offers for your followers, you can encourage them to create likes that include you – thus your established client base will be engaged in an ongoing and organic marketing campaign on your behalf. You can even cross-pollinate between your platforms, for example posting links to your tweets, or even uploading videos from your YouTube stream if you have one. There has been a lot of media debate about privacy settings and news feed manipulation in recent times. If you’re concerned you should definitely do your research first before diving head first into Facebook. But there is a lot you can do to control and manage your privacy – striking the balance between that and allowing potential new customers will be key to your success.

    We’ve all been sent links to funny videos or old pop classics of the 80s via email – most probably, these have been available for you to view via YouTube. But did you know that you can sign up to run your own YouTube channel? It’s almost criminal not to take advantage. To make a film about your business would have been prohibitively expensive 20 or even 15 years ago – and therefore the benefits were available to all but a wealthy few. But now that smartphones have excellent cameras and there is a multitude of free software available to edit your clips, it’s never been easier to make videos. If you’re a professional practitioner (such as a beautician or a fitness instructor) demonstrate your knowledge by setting up a tripod and filming a little ‘masterclass’ to upload. Be sure not to use music in the background though – you won’t have the clearance from the record company, and it will be distracting anyway. Write yourself a script to learn if that makes you feel more comfortable, or at least some prompting cards to put out of shot if you’d prefer to riff. Take care to make your mini-film short and snappy – long ones will simply lose the viewers’ interest. If you run a shop or a business that sells a regular turnover of products, why not film a quarterly preview of what’s in stock? You can get other people involved too, perhaps trying out the merchandise to show how it looks/feels. The more frequently you make little films, the better at it you’ll get – and it’s fun too!

    Pinterest is now the fourth most popular social media platform, and its quite different to the others because its main focus is on visual rather than textual stimulus. Members set up a profile and create a series of mood boards which can be themed in any way you like. Then you simply pin images to it – either from your own collection or the boards of others. You can establish maps and add explanatory notes. It’s fairly addictive. But then how do you make it relevant to your business? Think about each board and pin as showing customers and prospects some insight into your brand. Make them want to identify with you.

    One final point for the nervous: so what about your bad press? There’s no denying that in starting to use social media you are potentially opening yourself up to both legitimate public criticism and the vicious attention of web trolls. But as long as you are on top of your business and able to respond promptly and sincerely to any queries or complaints you will weather any storm. Don’t rise to trolls if you can help it. And where possible in answering a complaint get the complainant offline to discuss their concerns – go old school if necessary and resort to letter writing! Once made formal, people will know you take issues seriously. Plus if the complainant has behaved childishly and unreasonably then this may be the action that stops them in their tracks.

  • Five embarrassing typos to avoid at all costs

    WHEN WE WRITE quickly with the intention of publishing or emailing our work ‘yesterday’, there is a real danger of inserting a mistake that we would not ordinarily make. Consequently, these mistakes have the effect of making us look like we don’t know our stuff. These are generally basic errors that could have been averted if we’d taken more care.

    Quite worryingly for a small business, these sorts of mistakes can cost you new customers. While pedants are often irritating, small businesses and sole traders should not discount these people as potential clients!

    Here are five mistakes it would be worth your while to avoid making.

    The hurried three-letter word: We type the words ‘the’ and ‘and’ so regularly that we can become blind to the fact their characters are easily transposed. It’s always embarrassing to see when you’ve accidentally published ‘hte’ or ‘adn’. You may be lucky enough to have turned on your spell-checker, in which case these two words should auto-correct. But you should be reluctant to fall back on such a facility. Not all smart devices or apps have this built in. Proofreading will be your only friend!

    The missed vowel: It’s all too easy to think you’ve typed a double letter (such as in too) only to find later on that you wrote ‘to’ by mistake. It’s especially easy to do if you’ve got a sticky keyboard or are using a smart device with a fast touch keypad. Auto-correct facilities on smart devices aren’t always tuned in to grammar, so the upshot is they may choose the wrong form of a word for you. Our advice is to read over what you’ve done carefully before hitting that send or publish button.

    The missed consonant: Getting your vowels right is essential, but consonants are just as important. In fact, missed consonants can prove incredibly dangerous to your business. Leaving out certain letters will result in a different word being created than you intended, perhaps to great (but embarrassing) comical effect. Can you imagine a serious newspaper article describing the actions of a violent criminal, only to see in print that he has been described as a violet criminal?  Now imagine this kind of error writ large in the newspaper’s headline – an action liable to win it a spot on the satirical TV show Have I Got News for You. Now imagine such an error slipping through in your own business communications – your emails, leaflets, brochures etc. Not only will it cause unintended amusement, but you’ll probably have spent good money on the print run too.

    The jumbled word: Another tricky and oft repeated mistake that your spell-checker won’t find is what I call the jumbled word. Let’s say you meant to write ‘Please fill in this form’. Later on you realise you wrote ‘Please fill in this from’ instead. Doh! There are so many words in the English language that use the same letters in a different order – we really do need to be vigilant. Here’s an even more embarrassing example. ‘John’s new brassiere is being opened tonight by a surprise celebrity guest’. The word should of course have been brasserie. I’ve seen this happen in print more times than I care to mention. If you’re opening a little bistro soon, pay very close attention indeed to your marketing material. The same applies if you’re opening a new underwear shop. You don’t want people trying to book tables for two in confusion.

    The problem with public…: The problem with the word public, when you’re typing or reading very quickly, is that the letter L can become invisible very, very easily. I won’t spell this out in full to you. Simply look at the word public and imagine what word is created instead if you remove that L. Don’t fall foul if you can possibly help it!

    Shudder people, and take note. Proofreading is very important to your business communications.

  • Are we really in the lap of luxury?

    AS IS CUSTOMARY for me when making a point about the power of language, I’d like to start with a dictionary definition, paraphrased from the Collins Dictionary of English:

    “Luxury (noun) – indulgence in and enjoyment of rich, comfortable and sumptuous living; something that is considered an indulgence rather than a necessity. Also a modifier (ie, luxury yacht)”

    Pretty much everyone in Great Britain lives in some semblance of luxury if we apply the notion of comfort relative to the world as a whole. Even poorer people here tend to have a roof over their heads and access to food – along with commodities that would seem in other parts of the world to be an indulgence.

    But in marketing terms, ‘luxury’ is not referring to this kind of comfort. Luxury is being peddled on a widespread basis to consumers as a little extra, something perhaps they don’t yet have but should. Something they can afford but believed they could not. Often the campaigns that use words like luxury involve other attempts at temptation, using words like ‘deserve’, ‘naughty’ and ‘treat’.

    Now I’d like you to think about how often and in which situations you might commonly see the word luxury used. If you’re anything like me, you’ll have seen it on billboards advertising package holidays and high street clothes; you’ll have read it on countless hoardings to promote a new development of matchbox-sized houses and flats; you will almost certainly have heard it repeated in adverts on the TV, usually in relation to some generic bathing products or a cheap yoghurt.

    In this context, how do consumers retain the ability to spot luxury when something is merely ‘good’ or ‘nice’? Will people eventually grow tired of marketeers telling them that a dollop of chocolate flavoured milk pudding is the height of luxury when they know full well it’s just a welcome comforter at the end of a bad day? Has the word’s meaning been lessened, and are consumers knowingly complicit because it makes them feel better to believe they are better off? I think the extent to which the word luxury is used is so ubiquitous as to render it an expectation or a right. Luxury as a concept then becomes commonplace – which is absurd, because by the very nature of its meaning, luxury cannot be so.

    Compare overuse of the word luxury (and the related ‘luxurious’) in the mainstream with the actual luxury brands market. High-end products and their marketing teams very rarely use the word luxury at all. Instead, they employ a whole range of other marketing conventions to sell their products. Words will be used sparingly, perhaps even just the name of the brand itself. They are likely to sell the brand by using a very famous face, often without promoting a specific product. They are unlikely to show prices. Photography will be of the highest order, with perfect lighting and flawless post-production. Products themselves come in boxes and bags that are sumptuous to the touch.

    Someone can see a high-end marketing campaign and immediately know its aim is to show you what luxury looks like. But it generally won’t tell you it’s luxurious. This subtlety is used not only to market high-end fashion, but also real estate, vehicles and holidays.

    If people understand the conventions of exclusivity in marketing, it then follows that shoppers also understand the selling of false luxury as aspiration – be it a fat-free yoghurt or a new sofa they don’t actually have to pay for until the stuffing is oozing out of its fraying seams.

    The problem with the retail sector is that its success is built on a constant round of consumption. It provides a huge swathe of jobs that the UK cannot afford for people to lose. So if the peddling of aspiration is what it takes to keep retail rolling in an uncertain economy, we’ll be hearing a lot more about false luxuries yet.

  • Frankenwords – a guest post for Content Desk

    HERE’S A LINK to another guest post I created for Content Desk, the web portal by Progressive that’s linked to their Content Cloud – a system matching up professional writers with blue chip companies in need of content.

    This post focused on the phenomenon of Frankenwords – those marketing buzzwords where two normal words are spliced together to form another. They’re excruciatingly annoying, but nothing it seems can stop their march…

  • Proofreading for business – a guest post

    HERE IS A link to my guest post for the Content Desk, a web portal about creating good online content for business.

    This is a shorter version of my original Word Wizard post about improving your proofreading skills.